Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week Seven Reflection

Commercial project, check. I finished all the final edits to the project yesterday, and it came out looking not half bad. The commercial was the first video I have uploaded to YouTube that can be viewed in high definition, and honestly, I don't see too much of a difference. Regardless though, the movie idea itself worked its way out. The toughest part was without a doubt doing the actual challenge. The cinnamon challenge, that is. The final idea of our video ended up being that "A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine Down". Medicine in this sense, meaning cinnamon.

The cinnamon challenge is an essentially impossible challenge where someone attempts to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon within 60 seconds. Our spin on this was that, with a spoonful of sugar, this seemingly impossible challenge is a piece of cake. Thus, our final outcome had different "actors" swallowing the cinnamon, and then promptly coughing/spitting/choking it back out to the tune of the aforementioned song. The final actor took a spoonful of "cinnamon" followed by a spoonful of sugar, and had no problem whatsoever. Then the commercial ends with a zoom out to a box of Domino Sugar.

Editing the commercial was not too much of a problem. The only really challenges were timing the swallowing and spitting of the cinnamon with the beat of the song. I feel that a music video would have much more opportunity for editing, though this is not to say that I disliked the commercial project. Overall we all had a good time filming it (after everyone was done choking on the cinnamon).

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